Revit Journal Files
Did you know that Revit keeps a log of every action you undertake inside Revit? This is purely for diagnostic purposes should you have any issues. So how can you access these log files and how can you control how many are stored on your computer?
What is a journal file?
A journal file is a simple text document which won’t make too much sense to the average user but contains vital information about your computer and what Revit has been doing. This can be used to diagnose faults and issues and is often requested by Autodesk should you contact them for support.
Firstly, let me show you where you can find your Revit journal files. The file path is as follows: C:\Users\{username}\AppData\Local\Autodesk\Revit\Autodesk Revit 2019\Journals Of course, the path will be slightly different as it would have your username and version of Revit.
Journal File Settings
You can adjust how many journal files Revit creates and how long it should store them on your computer.
The default settings are to create no more than 10 (deleting the oldest) and to delete any journal file that is older than 10 days.
You can change these setting should you so wish. To do this simply go to Options in the Revit main menu and then to the General tab. Here you can adjust your journal settings.